Friday, 23 August 2013

Work In Progress : Renwick Cushion

I was getting super bored with knitting my jumper, I needed another knitting project. So out came the knitting magazines and searching the internet for a pattern that took my fancy.

My grandparents bought me a 400g ball of Wendy Aran a couple of years ago, I have been saving it for something I really wanted to knit it with.

I fell in love with the Renwick Cushion pattern from Knit Now Issue 16. I am knitting it in Wendy Aran in Shade 463, 75% Acrylic and 25% Wool. It is lovely to knit with. The pattern is so easy to follow, with a simple cable. It is enough to hold my attention as it has been growing quickly and I am loving the effect of the cable.

I started knitting it yesterday morning, and after three hours or so this is the result.

Here I have finished the first 48 rows, and started on the next 38 rows to complete the front of the cushion. The little flower in the middle of the cables is really effective. 

Since knitting this, it has barely touched my 400g ball of Aran. I plan to make a set for my bed. I may even do a blanket/throw to match. Depends if I still love the design after I have finished the cushion set!

Nikki xoxox

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Completed Project : Latch Hook Rug

Woohoo I have finally completed my latch hook rug. It has taken me forever! A good decade or so haha. It was originally my mums, she started it and passed it to me to finish when I was 11/12... I am now 23 and I have only just finished it moments ago! I am super happy I have completed it ( I have a massive smile on my face!) 

I don't want this rug to go on the floor though, the thought of feet and doggy hair getting all over it makes me unhappy! So it will go on the wall! 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Forgotten Knitting Project

I am sooooo terrible when it comes to actually completing a project! I have quite a few on the go.

Last night I was scanning my mums magazines for a new knitting pattern, I haven't done any knitting for a while, I knew I wanted to do something with a cable in though. I found this cushion pattern, with a cable that looks like a honey comb pattern. I've decided I'm going to knit it in the Aran my nan bought me a few years ago! It's a lovely purple colour. Anywho,  I told myself I could not start a new project until I finish one I have already started! I'm very good at doing half a project and then forgetting about it. 

Last year I started knitting myself a cute jumper from Simply Knitting issue 90. It has a cool look about it, and looks super comfy. Last night I found it in one of my many project bags, I have completed half of it already! It's knitted in two pieces, arms and middle together. I only have to do the back piece sew it up and tah dah. Done, and brand new, knitted by me, jumper to wear to uni! I am knitting it in King Cole Riot Chunky.

I have even taken some photos to show you all!

I love the pattern in this.

Here is what it looks like from what I'm knitting it with.

Chunky needles! ;-)

King Cole Riot Chunky - Bought from Crafty Addicts

Shade 652 

The front piece, seems to be an odd shape at the may become the back piece!
Are you like me? Always starting projects and forgetting about them?

Nikki xx